6 Ways To Properly Control Digital Rights Management Documents


Businesses both big and small require several documents to stay on track and organized. Digital rights management, or DRM, is the company’s ability to limit who is able to view those documents. With uncertainty in business deals and complex clearance levels with employees, it’s more difficult than ever to keep straight who has what files and whether or not they should. When you have the right system in place, you have the ability to manage your papers with precision, enjoying these six benefits.


1. Control Document Use

DRM software can help you determine not only when documents are viewed and by whom, but also how they are used. Sensitive data cannot be modified, printed or duplicated without your permission, and you retain this control even after an individual has downloaded the file.

The practical implications of this control are enormous. When information is sent out about your business, the last thing you want is someone making unauthorized changes and forwarding it on to others. By managing documents from beginning to end, you ensure that fraudulent data is not spread around, and more importantly, that it doesn’t end up in the wrong hands.


2. Track Downloads

The ability to see when a document is downloaded gives you some insight into how potential clients are progressing with an earlier proposal. You no longer have to email back and forth to make sure the other party was able to access the file; you’ll have confirmation right on your screen. This benefit extends to employees as well, so that you know work is being completed in the timeframe you requested.

In addition to the knowledge that documents are being viewed when they should be, you’re also able to see when inappropriate downloads occur. This can be a huge advantage when you’re trying to keep data private and secure.


3. Give and Revoke Permissions

When you grant someone the digital rights to a file, it’s unlikely to be a permanent transaction. With the right file management, you can remove user access as easily as you give it. There’s no need to worry about information being out there long after a business partnership has come to an end. Prospective clients that don’t pan out can be locked out of sensitive documents without you having to chase them down.

Changes within the hierarchy of the company may also prompt permission adjustments. Former employees’ authorization can be removed, while recently promoted individuals are given access to exactly what they need in a timely manner.


4. Access Seamlessly

Documents come in all file types and formats, which sometimes requires multiple add-ons to even view information that’s been forwarded. When you manage your content with a virtual data room, you’re able to access files within your browser. This makes it far less cumbersome to see and share a variety of document types throughout your day:

  • PDFs
  • Spreadsheets
  • Presentations
  • Memos
  • Reports
  • Images

Sharing content with potential partners is a much simpler process, and it shows your audience that you know how to manage data and make things easy. A system this tight and clean can impress the most discerning of clients, increasing the likelihood of both quality and quantity when it comes to your business contracts.


5. Collaborate Without Limits

Many business owners may be hesitant to encourage collaboration due to the scattered nature of sharing resources. Some contributors might even be based on the other side of the country, making in-person meetings to go over documents difficult to arrange. There’s also always a concern when handing over sensitive data before a deal has officially been struck.

Digital rights solutions enable you to openly seek out new partners and engage in highly collaborative work with teams already on staff. Because access is both temporary and simple, you can focus on the more important task: solving problems with the help of many diverse perspectives. This alone can take your business to new heights of success.


6. Archive Documents Securely

Ultimately, all the control features that come with managing the digital rights of your documents grants you greater security. When you’re able to see the past, present and future of your files, you’re better equipped to detect when something isn’t right. For example, download history lets you know if fraudulent access is occurring. Excessive downloads may mean that something has been compromised, and you can take immediate action to restrict or remove the document.

Digital copies of archived information can also be safer than storing within a large data room. Disorganization or accidental damage may lead to lost paperwork; this is a problem you won’t have to deal with when you go digital.

The only way to take advantage of these high-efficiency benefits is to utilize the best in digital rights management software. With a DRM system, you can keep your data safe, while increasing productivity, inspiring collaboration and opening doors to new partnerships in the industry.