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Crucial Ways To Make Filing for Prepackaged Bankruptcy Easier

A prepackaged Chapter 11 bankruptcy, also known as a “pre-pack,” was developed for companies seeking a simplified yet complete restructuring from bankruptcy. The pre-pack offers a quick exit from bankruptcy in anywhere from three to 12 months. As with any Chapter 11 proceeding, the debtor must work closely with creditors to negotiate and reach an … Read more

How to Save a Deal Before it is Too Late

For every merger and acquisition that goes through there are several that fall through. It’s a risk of doing business. In some cases there are clauses built into the deal to keep one side from backing out: clauses that cause a side to pay a large fee if they decide to bail on the M&A … Read more

Raising Debt and Equity Capital the Right Way

When a business needs money to maintain operations and expand their business, they often need outside sources of capital. But where do they get this capital from, and what is the right way to raise capital? First off, let’s start with the two ways of raising capital: debt or equity. One is borrowing the money … Read more

M&A Timing: When To Know an M&A is Right for Your Firm?

M & A

There are times when a merger seems like the ideal thing to do: you’ve launched a company, you’ve hit great heights, but you’re a crossroads where you’re not sure how exactly to expand–you’ve never been this big before, and you just don’t have the expertise and infrastructure to expand bigger than where you are. Or … Read more

Amalgamation 101: The Ins and Outs

Amalgamation 101: The Ins and Outs   In the simplest terms, an amalgamation in business is the combination of two companies into one larger single company. In this sense, it has much in common with mergers and acquisitions, though the terms are not necessarily interchangeable in all cases. The basic differences are these:   Acquisition: … Read more

Why There has been a Startup Acquisition Boom

Why There has been a Startup Acquisition Boom   Companies have always acquired other companies. Whether the purpose is to eliminate a competitor, strengthen a position in a market, bolster two companies’ core competencies, or give a boost to stock price, there has long been a history of mergers and acquisitions. But it seems that … Read more

The Growing Role of Cloud Access Security Brokers in Enterprise

The decision for technology giants Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, and Adobe, among others, to deliver significant parts of their services through the cloud has elevated the status of cloud computing from a trendy buzzword to a legitimate option for today’s modern businesses. Further proof of the impact of cloud computing is a study by cloud management company … Read more

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