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The Growing Role of Cloud Access Security Brokers in Enterprise

The decision for technology giants Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, and Adobe, among others, to deliver significant parts of their services through the cloud has elevated the status of cloud computing from a trendy buzzword to a legitimate option for today’s modern businesses. Further proof of the impact of cloud computing is a study by cloud management company … Read more

Dropbox Data Breach and Truly Secure File Sharing

Here at CapLinked, we’re often asked by potential clients “Why should I pay more for CapLinked? Isn’t data storage dirt cheap?” It’s true, cloud storage platforms often offer file sharing starting at less than $10 per user per month. And these platforms are great for quickly sharing personal files like pictures, videos, and music with friends and family. They’re even useful … Read more

IT Advocates For Higher File Transfer Security

A crucial part of an IT department’s role is to ensure secure document sharing. Even though businesses will report file security is a high priority, many do not have the correct tools to implement said security. According to a an Ipswitch survey, “While 76 percent of IT professionals said that being able to securely transfer … Read more

A New Deal to Replace Safe Harbour Principles

In 1980, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development decided there were 7 principles which personal data should be protected: Notice, Choice, Onward transfer, Access, Security, Data Integrity, and Enforcement. In 1995, the European Union executed the Data Protective Directive which permitted companies running in the European Union to send personal data to countries outside … Read more

Whitepaper: The Changing Face of M&A

In today’s unsteady macroeconomic climate, M&A trends are not easily characterized or predicted. The value of transactions is slowly increasing during this economic climate and there is reason for optimism. Companies with the strongest M&A performance are distinguished by their effective strategies and unique toolset. CapLinked’s free whitepaper, The Changing Face of M & A, explains … Read more

How the JOBS Act Changes Investment Options

The U.S. Government recently passed Title II of the JOBS Act, legalizing general solicitation, (marketing), for private securities (private companies). This monumental deregulation of Securities Laws grants companies greater flexibility when prospecting potential investors. Crowdfunding involves fundraising via security offerings directed to the general public. Under previous securities law, this was considered a “public offering” … Read more