TechCrunch recently published an article on M&A deals in the tech industry. Entitled “A Different Approach to Tech M&A,” the article offers insight into corporate investing, startups, and more. The article also features the opinions of Villi Iltchev, executive vice president of corporate strategy and development at LifeLock, and his approach to tech acquisitions.

An excerpt from the article:

“Iltchev has a generally skeptical view of his own industry–corp dev–because the job is difficult to evaluate. That’s because there are many ways an acquisition can go bad: the wrong strategy, deal structure or post-deal integration. Or the top executive leadership or business sponsor on the buy side could make a mistake. Or they could do something great that corporate development had no role in. “It’s very easy to take credit when a deal goes well and it’s easy to deflect when things go bad,” Iltchev says. “It’s easy to survive in corp dev and build a career because it is so difficult to establish concrete goals and metrics upon which the corp dev function can be evaluated.”

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