The life science and pharmaceutical industries benefit greatly from efficient document management. Sharing the most up to date materials makes the process of medication development possible. From a legal standpoint, it is necessary to keep everyone up to speed on licensing information, development progress, and other bureaucratic obstacles encountered in the life science field. When looking for a platform on which to share secure documents, there are several things one should consider:
1. Accessibility. How difficult is it for internal or external personnel to view scientific documents? Can you include new people on the project easily and is it easy to get them on board? Researchers need to be able to quickly access data so they can focus on their contribution to research.
2. Organization. How are your documents organized? Are they organized by who will potentially use them or by purpose of the document? Does the organization make the due diligence process easier? The legal teams needs to be able to keep tabs on the last confidential information and the researchers need to maintain the most recent data.
3. Security. Are your documents secure? Are you able to keep an audit trail for all of your secure documents? It is paramount to keep documents safe for research confidentiality reasons.
4. Mobility. Can scientists and other involved parties access information readily? It is important to utilize a platform that is accessible via mobile devices and in any context.
5. Communication. Is it easy to know who has seen what? How do people using the platform know where others are in the process? Clear and concise communication tools are an important part of using the platform to ease the development process.
CapLinked is a secure document management platform that is built to optimize the life science research and pharmaceutical processes. CapLinked has received SSAE16 (Formerly SAS70) certification and is hosted by Amazon Web Services so your files are safe. CapLinked supports covered entities subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). CapLinked runs in browser, requiring no extra plugins to install; it’s also viewable in all devices, including Ipad. With intuitive features like permissions, workspaces, and automatic updates, it’s easy to keep track of your life science documents.
If you’d like to learn more about staying secure in the cloud, check out our whitepaper with a Free Security Checklist. Or click below to give CapLinked a try. We’d love to hear how we can improve your life science productivity.