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14-day free trial
CapLinked virtual data rooms enable you to securely share files, conduct due diligence and close deals faster and more efficiently.
Sign up today and receive:
- Unlimited access to CapLinked’s powerful suite of tools for 14 days
- A dedicated workspace for your team to share and collaborate on crucial projects
- A pre-configured virtual data room that is immediately ready for use
- Advanced admin controls for additional document security
- A 1-month promo rate after your free trial expires
What’s Included In The Free Trial?
1 Workspace
File Encryption
Enterprise Grade File Encryption
500 MB Storage
~ 500 files or 5,000 pages
Dynamic Watermarking
2 Admin Accounts
Digital Rights Management
CapLinked is easier, faster, and more secure than existing enterprise document sharing solutions.
With CapLinked, you can:
- Alert Workspace members about changes made to documents, deadlines, project details and more using Update announcements,
- Send Updates as an email to notify collaborators when they’re outside the CapLinked application.
- A comprehensive activity feed keeps you alert to any changes in a Workspace in real time.
- Q&A Assignments (also known as Subject Matter Expert) lets you assign one or multiple administrators to answer questions from a specific permission group.
More Solutions from CapLinked
Browse more of our solutions to optimize your deal process and close more.
Secure Document Storage
When you use our VDR to share your enterprise’s data and assets, you can rest assured your information is readily accessible and reliably secure.
Document Management
Confidently share and manage your most sensitive files and documents using the industry’s leading solution.
Due Diligence Data Room
Review financial records and other sensitive documents for M&A due diligence in a secure environment.
Manage the financing of your business with a a powerful and secure platform to share documents and collaborate with internal and external parties.
Legal Compliance
CapLinked’s legal practice management allows partners, stakeholders, and other collaborators to share and view sensitive IP with customized permission levels and user activity tracking.
Bankruptcy and Restructuring
Data rooms for bankruptcy and restructuring streamline the process by providing effective management tools including DRM and access management.