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Open an enterprise data room and CapLinked will pick up the tab on a luxury reward of your choice.

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Price Match Guarantee Puts Our Money Where Our Mouth Is

CapLinked customer retention is close to 90%. Unlike most companies who hear from customers only when they are mad, CapLinked customers are advocates. Recently they report some frustration that other parties to their deals sometimes force them to use inferior legacy platforms. CapLinked believes customers make more money with fast, secure collaborative team effort. The … Read more

Keep Your Deals Out of the News (until you’re ready) with CapLinked VDR security features

Dealmakers cannot assume their team members will protect confidential information. CapLinked(tm) provides advanced security features for Virtual Data Room administrators to quickly and effectively limit the distribution of sensitive files. People could be excused for thinking all executives protect confidential information. Until news broke that in one case administrative access to Equifax’ sensitive customer data … Read more

Feature Focus: Preview As

Everyone needs a little reassurance when sharing private information with external parties in a virtual data room. This is why in our latest update we released a new feature that allows Administrators to view their workspaces as users they have invited onto the platform. Such a robust feature allows for you to be 100% confident … Read more

Slack notifications using the CapLinked API

Integrating 3rd party API’s into your business can greatly improve efficiency and promote productivity.  Given that there are an estimated 50,000 API’s out there, it’s sometimes difficult to find out which API will actually benefit your organization. Here at Caplinked, we’re set on utilizing and providing the best of API services. Using the Caplinked API, a developer can seamlessly … Read more

CapLinked’s Virtual Data Room API

There has never been a way to incorporate the secure and powerful functionality of a virtual data room into custom software–until now. CapLinked has built a complete Virtual Data Room API, focused on API data protection, that allows developers and clients to integrate our secure file sharing and information control tools directly into proprietary and … Read more

Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive Integrations

When importing files to your CapLinked workspace–in addition to importing from Box and Drobpox–you can now grab files directly from your Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive account. Once you are ready to begin setting up your virtual data room or other secure project, navigate to the workspace’s Files page and initiate an upload. Log into … Read more

Solving the Enterprise Digital Rights Management (DRM) Problem

Why Digital Rights Management Gets a Bad Wrap For many IT departments and business users, DRM has become a four-letter word. Enterprise digital rights management (DRM) has a bad reputation as a hard-to-use technology that never quite works right. DRM typically refers to access control systems used to restrict access to proprietary or sensitive materials. In … Read more

The Growing Role of Cloud Access Security Brokers in Enterprise

The decision for technology giants Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, and Adobe, among others, to deliver significant parts of their services through the cloud has elevated the status of cloud computing from a trendy buzzword to a legitimate option for today’s modern businesses. Further proof of the impact of cloud computing is a study by cloud management company … Read more