While the cloud helps startups and small businesses cut down on physical paperwork, it doesn’t eliminate the role documents play in getting business done. In fact, it’s often dangerous for young companies to cut corners and assume that emails and bullet points are sufficient to capture agreements and complex transactions.

This is why CapLinked is pleased to announce a new resource: a free library of key document templates for private companies. While by no means exhaustive, this is intended to be a starting point in aggregating a set of templates that can be used for activities such as incorporating, conducting good corporate governance, and raising capital.

Please note that these templates aren’t meant to replace legal counsel. A good lawyer is critical for a young company, especially when it comes to putting together your cap structure or organizing a financing round. We intend for these complimentary templates to be a supplemental resource that companies can use while working with counsel.

CapLinked gives private companies a secure platform to connect and exchange information. That can be information about a deal (a capital raise or asset sale) or updates to your company’s investors and other stakeholders. It’s our hope that these templates will help companies be organized and thorough as they prepare agreements and conduct business.