We’re inviting all companies in the CapLinked community for a chance at fame and glory. If you would like your company to be qualified in the consideration for our Company of the Week all you have to do is have 3 or more people use the “Share Profile” button on your company profile and share via social media. This is your chance to have your company in the CapLinked spotlight.

We will choose one winner each week who will be highlighted on our blog and on social media each Friday. There is no limit to how many times you can qualify; get 3 people every week to share your company profile between Monday at 8am PST and Friday at 8am PST to have your company in the running.

Once a month, all of our Company of the Week winners will be invited to participate in a live online pitch-off to present their company to the CapLinked community. The winner of the pitch-off will be highlighted in our monthly newsletter which is shared with over 100,000 people in the CapLinked community. Our next monthly pitch-off is scheduled for Wednesday April 25th, 2012 at 2pm EST. We’ll post more details about it on our blog as we get closer to the event.