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Open an enterprise data room and CapLinked will pick up the tab on a luxury reward of your choice.

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CapLinked Launches Ticker Registration System for Private Companies

CapLinked is joining ongoing efforts by SecondMarket and Stocktwits to implement a ticker registration system for private companies. SecondMarket unveiled the concept for private company ticker symbols earlier this year when it created tickers for the nearly 500 companies traded on its site–including the likes of Facebook, Zynga, Twitter, and LinkedIn–and their symbols have already … Read more

New Features: Meeting Investors and Integration with MS Outlook

We just launched a pair of new feature for CapLinked. First, we’ve added a tool that allows users to send direct messages to people and companies on the site. This allows users to introduce themselves to other CapLinked users and to connect with a company spokesman, who will then have the option of whether or … Read more

New Features: Address Book, Importing Contacts, and “Asset Sale” Deals

The CapLinked team is pleased to announce several new features on our website. First, we’ve created an address book to help users share deals and keep track of prospective investors–it’s located on the “Contacts” tab when you’re logged in to the site. Initially, the address book can be used when you share a deal, making … Read more

Why the World Needs CapLinked

Investment into private companies is widespread and critical for the American economy. Over 600,000 businesses are started in the United States each year and annual investment by individuals into private companies has been estimated in the range of $160 billion. Approximately 8 million Americans have put money into someone else’s business through a debt or … Read more

CapLinked is Open for Business

We’re pleased to announce that CapLinked is now available to the public. CapLinked is a collaborative platform for private companies to raise capital and share updates with investors. Companies can use CapLinked to upload deal information, reach out to potential investors, and keep their shareholders, board of directors, and advisors up-to-date with posts and a … Read more

TechZulu Presents: Financing A Startup. Hosted by our CEO Eric M. Jackson!

Come join us and our co-host TechZulu on October 28th at 8 PM at CoLoft in Santa Monica for a panel that promises to be intriguing for both entrepreneurs and investors. Our very own CEO Eric M. Jackson will moderate a panel that will feature start-up lawyer Scott Edward Walker of Walker Corporate Law Group, … Read more

TZ Live Interview with CapLinked’s CEO

TechZulu recently invited CapLinked CEO Eric M. Jackson for an interview at Coloft in Santa Monica. Host Amanda Coolong and Eric discussed a wide array of topics, including Android’s gains in the mobile market, what it was like being an early employee at PayPal, and the challenges entrepreneurs face when starting a company. Click here to watch … Read more

Quiz: How secure is your cloud platform?

Cloud service security has become increasingly important as more and more businesses are turning to cloud services for secure collaboration and workflow solutions. Administrators must be confident that all information on the cloud is seen by authorized users only. This can only be achieved by employing a multitude of security features. Take the quiz below … Read more

Why you should integrate CapLinked with your site

CapLinked has developed a platform that is user-friendly and secure. When our clients ask for or recommend a feature, we prioritize our feature development based on that feedback. As a result, CapLinked contains some of the most intuitive and innovative features in the data room and secure sharing space. If you are looking for a … Read more